

How are weekly series made?

I finished Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, two fantastic shows. I'm still watching The Walking Dead. After watching these I started to wonder how do people make these series. Do they make all the episodes for a season and then release weekly? Or do they make some before season begins and continue making episodes as season is going on? I feel like first way destroys procrastination so I prefer that. Second way gives them more time though. If anyone knows which way it is please do tell.

January 17, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


TV series' are usually never filmed in chronological order, they're filmed based on what's easiest and most efficient. Take The Walking Dead for example, if there is going to be Prison scenes in episodes 2, 4 and 8 in the same area, then all of those scenes will be shot at once. How shows are filmed really depends more on whose available, what costumes are available, and what the environment is rather than sequential order. But of course the job of the director is to make sure everything gets filmed properly and that nothing is missed.

Reply January 17, 2015

well it depends, Breaking Bad season 5 took like 2 years to completely air because they didnt even know where they were going to go after Part 1. GoT i know completely films then airs but for longer series about 20+ episodes then some of them are only like 4 or 5 episodes ahead of whats currently airing.

Reply January 17, 2015

i'm watching walking dead too. my sis watched the whole season 4 without me so i was watching season 5 without any real idea what was going on i just finished bates motel season 2 and i think it was pretty good too.

Reply January 17, 2015

I remember back when I followed teen wolf I was into learning about the behind the scenes stuff. They did all the filming in a few months, then editing happens, then weekly release. A while ago I went to a lecture by some people who work on tmnt (the nicktoons show) and they said for cartoons editing can happen until just before the episode airs. Obviously it's different with live action but I assume every episode goes through tons of work

Reply January 17, 2015

I know that for especially sitcoms an episode is usually taped/filmed a month before said episode airs, the month from taping to airing is usually spent editing, also an episode may need additional taping during the editing process. also sometimes they will film parts of different episodes during the same taping session (ie they might film parts for episode 3 and episode 7 on the same day).

Reply January 17, 2015