

General Chat

Talking to girls you dont know I was talking to a friend about talking to girls we don't know, such as on the street or anywhere. My argument is that I wouldn't talk to girl out of nowhere because it kind of reveals to them you're making a move. I expect girls to immediately catch on and reject any more advances. It would be pretty embarrassing. My friend says that if a girl is attractive, just talk to her. He don't care if it's just some girl on the street. Which side is correct?

General Chat

Betty White and The Golden Girls So I was talking with friend and she mentioned Betty White. I was like "who is that?" since I never heard that name before. My friend was like "you don't know Betty White? The internet loves her!" In my head I was thinking of the places I go on the internet, and they are facebook, youtube, netflix, and anime sites. I have never encountered Betty White on any of those sites. My friend asks me "you know The Golden Girls?" I say "no." She was so done at that point she just said "never mind, never mind" and when I tried to inquire more she's like "never mind!" As a kid I just watched Chinese shows on tv with my parents, and when I started watching stuff

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How to get popular, attractive girl? So recently I became friends with this attractive, popular girl. We message a lot on facebook and text on phone. So a friend of mine (also attractive, popular girl) was curious about how I was doing, so she read my texts. She told me my conversation is normal and boring. Her advice was don't be so easy since girls like hard to get. However another friend (male friend that is mutual friends with me and both girls) thinks I'm doing good. In his opinion, since the girl is making effort to start conversation with me and comes visit my desk, that's a positive sign so he claims I don't really need to do much. So what is the better advice?

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Reasons for taking classes So in my school we need to take 6 liberal studies courses to graduate. I speak a foreign language, so I took 2 terms of that language course, and I probably will continue taking that language next year. My friend doesn't approve me picking classes that I know the material in. He says that taking a language class which I can already speak doesn't help me improve my knowledge, even if I get high grade. He says I should take classes that seem interesting and fun to learn, instead of taking classes that will give me high grade but learn almost nothing. But for me I don't really like liberal studies subjects like English, history, etc. I do admit that I'm taking the language class to get free grade while knocking out m

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How are weekly series made? I finished Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, two fantastic shows. I'm still watching The Walking Dead. After watching these I started to wonder how do people make these series. Do they make all the episodes for a season and then release weekly? Or do they make some before season begins and continue making episodes as season is going on? I feel like first way destroys procrastination so I prefer that. Second way gives them more time though. If anyone knows which way it is please do tell. :D

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Piano help So I enjoy anime songs and listen to them on youtube and a lot of people make videos of them playing anime songs on the piano. So I decided to attempt to play some songs on my school piano by playing along with Synthesia videos but I failed super bad. I could hardly hit the correct note at the correct time and I can't tell how far the next note is from my current position. If I try to see where is the next button, the video will play a bunch of notes by then, so finding the button by then would have been useless. My hard also feels mad weird and it got tired fast. I only attempted right hand, didn't bother with left. Any tips?

General Chat

Is something wrong with this kid or his school? So I work in a prep school on weekdays. This prep school is for elementary school kids to come and finish their homework. There is a 4th grader who does not know English. He told me in Mandarin that he was in America for 2 years already. So that made me wonder how the hell does he get to go to the next grade if he knows no English. Like legit I forced him to copy the alphabet because he did not know it. Does his regular school teacher not attempt to fix him? Also the fact that he doesn't know English means he either doesn't get homework from his regular school, or gets very minimal homework. When he does get minimal homework, it's my job to ensure he finishes it, so I have to "teach"

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