

General Chat

Seeking Female Cannoneer Avatar for Comic Like the title is requesting. I am looking for a female cannonneer for a recent comic idea I've been tossing around for awhile. I'll need a couple of screenshots and your permission to use your character's avatar. I have characters in most worlds so not being in Windia shouldn't be an issue. Don't care if you're actually a man. Nothing illict intended, just want to see some skills in action + avatar of an actual character that plays. I would make my own cannoneer but I am lazy.

General Bowman

Mercedes Cash Shop Anyone willing to enlighten me whether certain skills for 1st-3rd job must be unlocked via skill book for a Mercedes? Just wondering if this class is going to disappoint me like the whole Dual Blader / Evan hype where the skill books had to be bought via cash shop (thought I could manage up to third job without the skills but it's just too brutal to even continue with level 5 magic guard or a skill with half the attack power). I did trying googling for the answers but it lead me to some questionable websites... Entertaining, but not really appropriate. I've checked a couple of blogs but it's mostly about the flashy skills/events/revamped content.


Android Female From Robos Question Can anyone confirm which Robo this recipe drops from? I've been hunting for several hours for 4 days. My friend litterally camped out at Robos and mixed Robos for 9 hours and still nothing (Although we did get an int potion X recipe and several level 120 mage shoulders +_+). This is driving me bananas. Every single story of finding that recipe so far says, Robos (not mentioning which one) or in the room with the mixed Robos. Yes I want a little android stalker >:C. Perferably female since you know... I don't want a guy greating me when I login. Still got to find a heart after this :')