General Firepoisonarchmage

F/P Arch Mage SP Rewrote the guide to help f/p mages of all levels :) Enjoy and feel free to discuss. [header][b]1st job[/b][/header] [b]Build[/b] +1 Energy Bolt(1) +20 Magic Claw(max) +15 Magic Armor(max) +10 MP Boost(max) +15 Magic Guard(max) +6 Energy Bolt(7) [b]Result[/b] [b]Magic Claw:[/b] lvl 20 (max) [b]Magic Armor:[/b] lvl 15 (max) [b]MP Increase:[/b] lvl 10 (max) [b]Magic Guard:[/b] lvl 15 (max) [b]Energy Bolt:[/b] lvl 7 [b]Discussion[/b] 1st job we got 67 sp available. This is pretty straightforward: max everything except energy bolt. Magic claw is better even though it does less dmg cuz it can hit 2 mobs at once. But if you really want energy bolt pwnage, then you can drop Magic Armor instead (not recommend for low levels though)

General Updates

GMS archmages getting too buffed up? While I hear lots of ppl say mages are getting nerfed (some even say AM becomes useless), my thoughts are quite the opposite. I think many of u are familiar with the I/L AM 25 sec pap solo video. He did max dmg with both crits and infinity, which means his normal attacks are 500k or higher. He also has a summon and DoT for an even higher DPS. Of course there are jobs who can do it faster. But I think it's safe to assume mages will become mid-tier in the DPS chart, maybe even subtop. BUT there is one thing most people haven't think of. In GMS we have elemental weapons! Which means we can do 25% more dmg than our Korean counterparts! This might put AM in the top 5 in terms op DPS. If that wasn't enough, AM

General Mage

Project Ultimate - record video of ultimates Hi fellow magicians, As you may know, Big Bang is coming soon to GMS and the cooldown of ultimates is a hot topic amongst magicians. We will no longer be able to utilize these beautiful skills as we are doing now. After Big Bang, these ultimates will play a much smaller role. But before the beauty of this skill dies, I would like to preserve a memory of these skills. Therefore, I would like to ask you, fellow magicians, to join me in a project to show the future generation of Maplers how ultimates were in our days. To do this, I am hosting an all 4th job magicians Zakum run and I will be recording the whole event. Our goal is to preserve a memory of our ultimates and to have fun with it for one l