


Which account do I main? I have two accounts. first is old one which has 15 character slots. I want to main a mercdes lv 105 in this one with complete anniversary 8 set. I didnt' get perman pet for this event for the mercedes.. This account has been hacked twice.. that's the reason i abandon it.. 2nd is a new account with only 3 character slots.. with lv 135 mercdes and two lv 120 xenon and demon avenger.. but with perma pet and pouch on mercedes i got from the event.. I also made a anniversary 8 dual bow with 160 att tradable.. if i give up on the old account i will lose the set effect on the anniversary 8 set.. summary: perma pet + clean and unhacked - 3 character slots vs 15 character lots + all anniversary set - no perma pet - hacked tw