
My Training Guide

This is how I lvl to 100 quickest imo ..
Haven't gotten to 120 yet but ive heard this is the way to do it
Hope This Helps (:
1 - 10 maple island
1 - 14 ereve quests
1 - 30 elderstien quests
20 - 30 Rotting Skeletons
30 - 40 Mushroom Kingdom
40 - 50 CD's Kerning Square
50 - 60 Drakes/Scarcrows
55 - 60 Rombots/Master Rombots
60 - 70 Hoodoos/Voodoos
60 - 70 Jesters (Small Room with Voodoos and Jesters)
70 - 80 Jesters (Toy Room)
80 - 85 Tippos Red/Blue
80 - 100 MP3
85 - 90 Homun
90 - 100 Gallos
100 - 103 Mr.Anchors
103 - 105 Krus
105 - 110 Captains
110 - 114 Ghost Pirate
114 - 119 Dual Ghost Pirate
119 - 120 Spirit Vikings

Leave Feedback (:

February 17, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


@kiddoujanse: aww thanks man love feedback

@heheoho: yes from lower lvls 1 - 100 b'cos they have gr8 exp/lvl ratio

also just be reminded SOME of the monsters you shall miss but the exp is GREAT !
imo when i went to hoodoos at lvl 60, took ALOT longer to lvl to 70 then going to jesters and missing a bit
also these training spots shouldnt be that packed, only scarecrows, mp3 and from what ive heard, ghost pirates but all the other ones should fairly easy to get a spot

@Octoposh: well you see, a fair bit of people go to toy room cos chimney is usually full so people will come ks your toy room if you miss.

Reply February 17, 2011