

General Merch

returning Mapler looking for some help Hey guys I just wanted to get a p/c on a Katana I scrolled awhile back before quitting. With the SAO event I thought I might return but need some money so I wanted to sell it, if any of you guys could give me a p/c for Bera that would be great! Also how much are Dragon Khanjars nowadays, doesnt need to be Godly but a price range to give me an idea would be great :D Revolution Katana: ATK +197, 0 SLOTS (+8) 2x HAMMERS EE x2 3L Epic w/ STR +6% Bonus: ATK +6 Thanks guys!


Thank you for such a great time Dear Anyone this may concern; Maplestory 2009 - 2011; Basic Intro; at first it seemed lamed but after awhile .. blah blah blah you know the drill - avg playing > constant > addiction It was a great run while it lasted; I don't regret "playing" as such but I do regret missing out on quite a bit. I'm happy I quit early compared to 30 year old men etc Maple gave me something to do, something to look forward too and gave me a place to run off to when things were bad. Maple is such a wonderful game with alot of features and what not. I just didn't know how to control myself. But this thread was about thanking so lets get into it ! Thank you Guildies (: and Guilds (Imbalance, Cabury & Australian

General Chat

FAQ for Christians Hope this helps all you struggling Christians upon your walk to become closer to God (: Q: Why aren't dinosaurs mention in the bible ? A: Dinosaur is a new term created AFTER the bible was made; I think it was the 1800's i'm not sure Q: Why did he let the Holocaust happen ? A: As Christians who believe the God is the creator of all and knows of only good who are we to judge what of his work is good or bad? But that to some may not be an efficient answer; ALL jews who have survived the holocaust have grown a stronger connection to God Im not saying that they said they would do it again, but they thank God for the experience they have under gone that has improved there faith *from a Holocaust survivor* Q: Who did Cain have


My Training Guide This is how I lvl to 100 quickest imo .. Haven't gotten to 120 yet but ive heard this is the way to do it Hope This Helps (: 1 - 10 maple island 1 - 14 ereve quests 1 - 30 elderstien quests 20 - 30 Rotting Skeletons 30 - 40 Mushroom Kingdom 40 - 50 CD's Kerning Square 50 - 60 Drakes/Scarcrows 55 - 60 Rombots/Master Rombots 60 - 70 Hoodoos/Voodoos 60 - 70 Jesters (Small Room with Voodoos and Jesters) 70 - 80 Jesters (Toy Room) 80 - 85 Tippos Red/Blue 80 - 100 MP3 85 - 90 Homun 90 - 100 Gallos 100 - 103 Mr.Anchors 103 - 105 Krus 105 - 110 Captains 110 - 114 Ghost Pirate 114 - 119 Dual Ghost Pirate 119 - 120 Spirit Vikings Leave Feedback (:

General Thief

I'm quitting my CB for my NW, Thoughts? Well my CB has been the only character that has broken my lvl limit of lvl 90 (: He will be remembered. Reason; CB are gr8 fun for about 30 lvls after that your just using the same skills over and over, not very fun imo But for some reason, throwing stars and watching ALOT of stars hit a single monster has always been very appealing to me. I have a lvl 84 NW dexless and Im about to buy a 50atk Shinobi Bracer (: Clean Pott so anyways just wanted to ask you basilers of your thoughts (:

General Cygnusknightdawnwarrior

So I'm gonna make a Dawn Warrior Alright so there is 2 more free days for me before school starts (free days as I have nothing on, yes i have a social life) anyways i can easily get any character to lvl to 70 in 1 to 2 days. I just wanna ask you guys what are your thoughts on Dawn Warriors? I know they ks alot but if your in Scania you'll know that asking someone nicely to CC just won't cut it if I need to lvl to 70+ well I don't plan on KSing ALL the time just when there are jerks or hackers; lastly I have decent equips for him and just wanna know what you guys think (:

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