

General Anime

Trying to find manga / anime It's been bothering me for a while, but during my primary years I had borrowed a friend's manga. I don't remember the name but the storyline involved two lovers, a guy and girl. She was going to die but in exchange to save her life, he would make a deal to make her forget ever being in love with him. They travel through dimensions and I think they used some sort of animal to fight in this world. As for the guy and girl, one wanted to go home, and one didn't. Having a hard time remembering the manga, help would be appreciated.

General Chat

Need some help with a girl well, here's the problem, i only started talking to her about 2-3 days ago? we talked a few hours in those couple of days and then she popped the question, who do i like? now how to react, i dont know, and for all those who dont know, i do like her, and so i told her if she got 50 likes on her status i would tell her, apparently she did now, telling her is a bit awkward, i don't really want to ruin our new friendship and probably make it awkward between us, i need some help basilers. T_T Edit: She goes to my school, and we rarely talked until i said hi to her a few days ago. I've been going to her school for about 2 years now.