


OtrafficO, a horrible noob/troll First, OtrafficO is a crusader that's in a guild with the Guild Symbol, [G] and amers as the guild name fail? [G] amers. I'm in Jesters helping my friends keep a channel and he just happens to walk in (after a ton of ksers came and left) I ask him(OtrafficO) to cc nicely several times. Last time, he leaves. He comes back with this guildies and start ksing some more 10 minutes later. He comes back and says ahahah i dc you or some sht cuz he was failing like hell (I'm a dw) Oh yeah He has horrible grammar "no necessary" "three" some other crap... He gets this kid: ThinkerNubs to "bomb dc" me. I get a ton of lag and stuff for about 5 minutes. It stops(I assume he dced himself). 1 m