

Visitor 30+ cube pq: Chair drops only for parties?

I've done the 30+ pq a few times (I can't do anything else because I have the bing suit...) and only a chairr has dropped every single time I was in a party, and a weapon (only) dropped when I solo'd. Do weapons drop for parties and chairs for soloers?

September 9, 2010

5 Comments • Newest first


I was more wondering if weapons dropped if you party... but I think I'll be soloing the 30+ pq. much better luck. just got a 47 potential dagger.

Reply September 9, 2010

You can solo for it.I got 3 chairs from soloing.

Reply September 9, 2010

it's fine, I don't need a screenshot or anything. I'm just pqing with a 33 aran right now... it's chill

Reply September 9, 2010

level 30+ pq u can solo.
60+ and 120+ must be in a party.

Reply September 9, 2010

how do u solo you need a party to enter or did you get your party to then LEAVE because i got a lvl 4x knuckle from the boss but i did do all the killing before they had a chance to so its possible

Reply September 9, 2010