


Super Ultimate Deluxe Premium Cs Equip p/c I went and checked my cs inventory and found a bunch of equips I should sell! Anyone have prices for the following (CYMK alliance preferred, but any world prices are helpful)? All are permanent. Light Wing Cherubim Psyche Melody Aurora Pharody Aurora Happy Wing Tedtacular Bearington Luminous Cherubim Void Aura Red Rose Chat Ring Thank you for any help you can give! Also, I have a Concerto from Root abyss that can't be destroyed by scrolls. If anyone has a p/c on that as well I would be very grateful!


No free character slot? According to the patch notes, there's no free character slot. Is that true? If so, it's a shame. I was one of the people who managed to get perfect attendance. I got a character slot coupon, which I couldn't use (and it expired). I guess if I'd missed a day I would have not only gotten a coupon when I could use it, but a 2x coupon as well. Thanks for making that character slot coupon expire so close to an update with an expansion of max slots, Nexon! But sursly, is there a free slot upon login or anything? I wouldn't mind making a kanna for the link skill, but I'm sure as HEIL HITLER not deleting any characters for it or dropping five bucks on another slot.

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