General Xenon

Traced Split Edge versus primed? So I'm in the process of funding a xenon and I've found there really just isn't gear for purchase in my server for the most part (least not a weapon that is reasonably priced). I've accepted that means I'm likely to be making my gear from scratch which I'm okay with. I don't know though whether or not to spring for prime scrolls for my whip blade. I understand that primes will be better for sure, but do we lose out more than other classes with traces since we rely on the allstat bonus and 15% traces force you to pick one Stat? Anyone who is more versed with the class that can help would be greatly appreciated! ^^


Returning Player/Picking out a main So this might be a bit repetitive since people are always looking for class help/returning player help, but I really could use some advice. So I'm coming back to the game after being gone for about 2 years. When I quit I had a lvl 224 BW (clean range around 3m solid w/o any gloves), and I'm not 100% sure it's what I want to play. I basically have two questions. Would my gear be worth PSOKs to transfer it to a different mage if I wanted to? By that same token, would I be able to get halfway decent gear for another class if I sold my gear if that's what I chose? I can supply screen shots if that will help people help me. Current considerations are to stay a BW or play Bishop (already have a 212 one), NL/NW,