

General Updates

Random Crashes Recently I been getting this hackshield error saying: "HackShield Error: 0x00010303(66307) Change Occurred in system time by speed hack-related program. Please send the detailed information through AhnReport" First of all I don't use speed hack or even hack. I play normal. I'm wondering if it has to do with my class. I play a Kaiser. Wonder if anyone can help. Here is a image of the error: 1). I crash (When I crash there are no lag at all. It just crashes) 2) Message

General Tech

How to Remove PileFile? My younger cousin was trying to download a DBZ game on my computer and then I got a PileFile downloader. I have uninstalled the reminder but the the reminder comes right back after a while. The downloader keep having pop-ups telling me download the DBZ thing. It obvouisly a virus so I don't want to download it. Btw the uninstall page has nothing saying "PileFile" beside the reminder. The icon for the downloader just won't recycle. I tried recycle but it says: "This action can't be completed because the file is open in PileFile" Help?

General Chat

Drop Iphone In water Ever drop your iphone into water or any liquor material? (Basiler most likley will say "what if I had a water proof case". The answer is FOff if you had a case.) If you ever drop it in without a case the first thing to do is take it out and throw it into a bag or box of rice. Make sure its dry but some what moist. Only 0.04 percent moist pls. The reason is because over night some Asian will come over and fix it. Asian are AWESOME <3 <3 <3 <3


Jeopardy On Basil Today question are : 1). Whats the name of the question in amoria that gives you a free haircut. 2). This one you have to guess (hint: its a chair): I looks like the Maple Chair but I'm not. You see a white chair underneath the tree just like the maple tree chair. My leaves are green not red and orange. You can only get me from merchants or a party question from the past. what am I? 3). ( its a player.) My name is also a shirt brand. I am a god. My power is stronger than Nexon. I stole a Gm account and smega'd. Who am I? Winners Are: 1). 2). AND 3). Prizes: First Place: Free air guitar 2nd place: free air iphone 5 3rd place: free air 50k NX Q 1- Beauty And Beast Q 2- palm tree chair Q 3- Ecko

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