

General Buccaneer

Returning player Bucc Hi guys :) I used to play this game a whole lot a few years ago, but now I'm back to play just for fun. I mained a Bucc ^ and looking around it seems like they're doing pretty well which makes me glad. However, I wonder if there's any way that I would be able to play (for fun) alone, such as being able to solo and etc. I'm probably not __that__ funded so yeah. I was wondering if it would be fine to "fly solo" as a Buccaneer. Nothing hardcore, just casual. (P.S. Is there anything new that I should be aware of?) (Also apologies if this doesn't belong here, it's been a long time)

General Bishop

Continuing my Cleric Back in 2010, I made a cleric in hopes of getting it to Bishop, but my hopes soon died out (due to inactivity I guess?) and I plan on starting up again, but it's lukless since I made it in 2010. =w= I don't know what to do about that, & its skills are already reset (due to the SP scroll we got from the Jump! update) so that won't be much of an issue. Furthermore, I'm clueless on what stat builds are good since everything changed (and I haven't touched a mage in a while..heheh). I've been seeing people telling others to cap it, but I just don't know where, and I'm not that funded. Any help? Edit: Oh yes, I also forgot to mention that it's like level 35 or 36..around there.