

General Hero

Need help improving range What should I get to improve my range at most. It is currently at 112k self-buffed! Class: Hero Level: 190 Equips: All RA except Sword (We can say they are clean) Weapon: Lionheart Cutlass (293atk, no pot, 20%Boss neb) Shield: Silver Kalkan (27atk, 20% STR) Eye: Spectrum Goggles (11atk, 6% STR) Face: Sweet Water Tattoo (2atk, 17%STR) Glove: Strong machine gloves (21atk, 17% STR) Belt: Reinforced Gollux belt (20atk) Earring: Rex (12% STR) Pendant: Green bear (9% STR) Cape: Gile (STR 6%) Badge: Ghost Ship (6% STR) Shoes: Sneakers (4%str) (maybe buying 27atk VSS if you suggest) Rings: Evo II, Evo III, Absolute, DABR Shoulder: None Mesos : 4b Any help is appreciated!

General Chat

Tech Accessories Repair store help Hey guys! I'm going to start working in a Tech Accessories Repair store next month. This is my first time working at a place like this so any help will be appreciated! All i want to know is. What are the main problems that causes people to bring they're damaged accessories to a store of this sort. Cell Phones (iPhones, Android, Ect...) - (insert Problems here) Computers (Laptops) - (insert Problems here) Consoles (Xbox360, Ps3) - (insert Problems here) Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!:)