

General Chat

I made sushi for the first time today Hey guys! I tried making sushi for the first time today and wanted to share my humble attempt for your viewing pleasure and hopefully some constructive criticism. lol [url=]Close-up 1[/url] [url=]Close-up 2[/url] [url=]Overall[/url] They taste pretty good, or so my family says, but look a little flimsy. Enjoy! :) P.S. I'm white lol

General Mage

How many times did your Arcane Aim 20 fail? Well, I'm officially broke (900k mesos left) 'cause of AA20 failures. Had 90m, bought 3 AA20 books and failed all three. Sold some stuff and got two more books, but those failed as well. That's 5 Arcane Aim 20 failed :( I even have the 20 SP points saved up to max it. I'm very very sad. :'( So how many books did it take you to pass AA20? What about AA30? P.S.: I know there are much more expensive mastery books out there and it would suck even more to fail those, but that's why I have a mage and not ... some class with insanely expensive books lol would never be able to afford it haha.