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Need help with bank information homework help I need help with my economics homework Picture here for the information:;s=8#.VAuxTvldU8Q So basically I need to find : - interest rates - fees imposed - minimum balances - ATM card condition - and any special information for people my age (age 16) I would do this (and im trying my very hardest) to do this but im so confused and stressed out. I'm googling "interest rates on chase" but im still confused because of mortgages. My banks that I would like to choose are: 1. Chase 2. Citibank anyways, it doesnt matter what bank tbh as long as you guys can help me find information. I really don't get it because I'm not learning about future stuff right now. I'm sorry to be bugging you guys to

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Need help on math hw Should be easy So before I start, I'm in 10th grade, and I literally forgot all of this. And on the other hand, we took NO notes in class, my teacher just gave it to us. (Sorry if it's a lot!) i'm really confuzzled :(. Thanks to all who can help! I mean I remember all of these, just forgot how to do it. :/. I think we use PEMDAS but idk Instead of typing it out, I'll post a picture so you can get a visual look at it :). P.S if my answers are incorrect, correct them :o? thanks ;D answer one:

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Need help on Hw Locker problem So yeah.. I need help on this. It's Sophomore homework, but it's a little bit "confusing" It's Geometry work so yeah Here goes ;D One hundred students are assigned lockers 1-100. The student assigned to locker 1 opens all 100 lockers. The student assigned locker 2 then closes all lockers whose numbers are multiples of 2. The student assigned to locker 3 changes the status of all lockers whose numbers are multiples of 3 (e.g. locker 3, which is opened gets closed, locker 6, which is closed, gets opened). The student assigned to locker 4 chthe status of all locker whose numbers are multiples of 4, and so on for all 100 lockers. 1. Which lockers will be left open? 2. Explain how you determined that thes

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