


People wanting to level slow Yo hoes, why are you gotta hate on level 200s? I think its a really great accomplishment. I've been playing this game on and off since like '04? And 200 has always been a goal of mine. Now that I'm 200 I can finally get training out of my way, and spend more time chit chatting and doing whatever I want to do. I don't feel obliged to train anymore on 2x. Level 120-200 is not the same. Leveling at 180+ is insanely much more difficult than at 120. At 120 you could leech for minutes and get a level. The faster you level you get to enjoy your class more and see what it is like. You have more skills, and you can do more boss runs! So many more opportunities at higher levels. But leveling to be the first level 200 on o

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