

General Chat

Android application and games I'm really bored with Angry Birds on my Android phone, so I looked around in the Android App store and downloaded a bunch of free games. After playing them for a bit I noticed that most of them have cruddy quality and are slooooooow compared to iPod Touch and iPhone apps. Then I bought NFS Shift and it's pretty good except it's slow at starting and going to the home screen Android users, any good games? What apps do you have? Free or Paid. Discuss. :P

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I am disconnecting when I connect to a channel Well I just tried connecting to all of the channels on Scania AND Bera for the last hour. Everytime I select a channel and join it, I get a black screen, Maplestory closes, and a window pops up that says I was disconnected from the login server. I know this isn't because of the hanbok thing because I already got an overall. I already restarted my computer, restarted my modem, patched, tried both windowed mode and full-screen, and reinstalled Maple. Has has this happend to anybody else or is it just me? Help?