

General Nightlord

What do you think of these hermit to nightlord skills I didn't have anything to do this afternoon and ms was off so I just did this.... Summon Ninja – Active: Can only be activated while using Shadow Partner, can be set to boss, mob, what you are attacking or any monster/boss by holding the skill and clicking b for boss, m for mob, c for what you are attacking or n for anything. It has hp and can only use an attacking skill. It uses your mp and cannot be affected by your buffs. You can only summon once at a time. Summoning them while already summoned just renews them. Level 1 - Summons 1 ninja 10% Damage, Hp 20%, cool down 60 sec, mp consumed = 100 Level 10 - Summons 2 ninjas 20% Damage, hp 40%, cool down 40 sec, mp consumed = 200 Level 2

General Nightlord

I need more help plz I know i have made another thread like this and I have read ipro's and edayr's equips guide but nothing seems to be happenning and my dmg is lower than anyone's that I have seen in this entire forum-around my level. Does 30 luk count for a lot? I have 1.4 bil, tiny bit of nx and my dmg is a nice and low 2421~3725 I have 130 dex(130+39) and 512 LUK Equips: Scarlion helm - str15 dex17 int14 luk15 wep def 152 magic def 117 acc 20 avoid 19 etc. It has a potential but it is crap, and planning to cube it. Family domes first medal - all stats +2 gold drop earring - mag def 46 potential is luk 2% hp+35 white gaia cape - luk +3 ........mp 2% all stat +4 blue katinas dex7 luk4 etc speigelmean necklace dex1 luk1 etc Red Craven LUK

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