


No job advance quest for Cygnus Knight Yea, I made a cygnus knight when they first came out and never used him. I started leveling him today and when I got to level 10, I didn't get a quest for a job advancement/choice and they allocated all my stats into str and dex for god knows what reason. Pretty sure I'm stuck with a perma-noblesse unless i did something horribly wrong. There are no quests from cygnus or neinheart that have to do with job advancing. I'm already in heneseys beating mushrooms with my clean 15WA sword. What the hell. Help?

General Demonslayer

Equipment advice Advanced unfunded-ness Sup From humble beginnings I stepping into this world with time on my hand and a general malaise. I somehow got my Demon Slayer to 155 but I'm still using level 90-100 equipment. Being the hobo I am, I only have 28mil to my name. I got a Reverse Allargando recipe and I was planning on crafting it cuz' it's cheap as hell these days. Just a question, what did you guys do mid-game before you got your fancy empress equips and super game breaking % equips? Also, is there an alternative to an Allargando.

General Nightlord

How to get 100 black crystals I want some furies. For money of course. Friend can get me typhon feathers, but, thats not the problem. How the heck am I supposed to amass 100 black crystals? Buying them from a merchant is hard enough, no one really sells ores/crystals. Nx is not something I would waste on ores/crystals either. Of course, if that's the only option, I'm screwed. Any help on a dilemma that apparently, hundreds of NL's have solved? I have about 30mil on me, I'm dirt poor for one of the more richer classes.