General Evan

Training spots for a low range Evan? 999 monsters quests Are there any especially good training spots? I'm level 114 and have a pretty terrible range (4280-5706) since I'm still using my level 75 staff :P It can't be in some places because they don't count for the quest :[ I think evo and singapore, stuff like that? Does anyone have any suggestions please? I've come back recently and I'm kinda lost. Btw, if you could offer more advice I'd be really grateful. If I'm poor (idk like 20m?) should I be putting more ap into luk? I have 4 atm and it's limiting what I can wield since I only have 70 luk in total with items.

General Chat

Anyone know some good idioms? I need an idiom for a shadow, but it can't give it away because I'm writing a "What am I" piece. Kinda like fear is a deer in the headlights or whatever my teacher said. I can't seem to find any, and I'm not sure what to type in google. Tell me if you know any good ones. Would also help if you could tell me what a shadow: Tastes like ? lol feels like - Feels cool, though like a ghost you fall right through smell- sight- Pitch black hearing- o-o Idk about this lol

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