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What kind of puppy is this? What kind of puppy is this? I recently got a puppy and it looks similar to this one. I'm not sure what my puppy is though, its a half chihuahua and something else. Also, is it okay if my 9 weeks old puppy chews on everything it sees? thanks in advance Here's the image+biting&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSaRpnCxCo1NgEGgYIAggXCD0MCxCwjKcIGjwKOggCEhThHewd7h2xEo4e2R6pEosf7xHsJRogSovuzkv2T-Ut5PnD4z2jqrk1AnxB0xqGU7-lK_1sQTLQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgQ2_1ch-DA&sa=X&ei=ORezVOOaN8yXNt_7g-AD&ved=0CBsQwg4oAA&biw=1680&bih=949#imgdii=_&

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Convincing my parents to let me drive alone? This morning I went to the DPS to test for my driver's license, and sure enough, I passed. So after getting my drivers license I decided that I wanted to go out and eat with some friends as a celebration, but being the typical asian my dad is, he said no. He doesn't trust me by myself behind the wheel even though I literally drive the speed limit opposed to driving 5 over, etc. They say they will let me drive when I'm 17, which makes no darn sense because I went through all this trouble to drive at an early age and they won't allow me to. How can I convince them to let me drive alone? :)

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What should I do about a bone popping out of my finger? I've had a bone popping out of finger since last year. It hurts when I apply pressure on it and makes some tasks a pain to do. Its located near the bottom of my middle finger and top of my palm. I have no clue what to do, I don't want to go to the doctors because I'm afraid its not that severe. My parents say its normal and I should just leave it alone. Apparently it will eventually go away but its been a year and it hurts to do tasks that require me to grab. I've tried popping it back into place, but its hurts like crazy. What should I do? :~( edit1: It's almost like a tiny ball, I can move it around.

General Chat

Make up a story about me getting beat up? Imagine a 15 year old sophomore, asian, 5'5, that looks really scrawny. Now try to make up a story about him getting beat up during school hours or after school hours. Also, This school is predominately black/hispanic. They make up about 70% of the school. By the way, This is because I want to transfer high schools. Around here, when you go on to the 9th grade, you get put automatically into a drawing system where they pick your high school for you. The high school I got chosen for is the worse out of the 3, and I really want out. The only way they'd let you transfer is issues with safety and what not. So I need a story and a way to pretend like I got my --- beat and hopefully they'll let me transfe

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