General Anime

Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero I'm planning on watching this anime, but after looking at all the sequels and stuff on anilist, I'm confused of where to start. Do I watch all seasons of fate/stay night first and then watch fate/zero? Do I watch season 1 of fate/stay night and then watch some of fate/zero and return to fate/stay night, in a chronological order type way? And what about the movie? If someone who has seen it all can tell me the best way to watch these, that'd be great. Thanks!

General Anime

Sword Art Online amp Recommendations So as a new "anime watcher" who's still getting warmed up to anime, I decided to start with some "easier" animes. First I watched Attack on Titan and completely fell in love. Then I watched the first season of SAO and thought how can it get any better than this? As I was looking to watch the second season, I saw that they had a SAO movie. I was wondering if any of you have seen it/is it worth watching? Is the plot line of the movie anything like the first season of SAO or is it more of a side thing, where it doesn't relate to anything much? I'm also wondering if season 2 has anything to do with season 1, or is it completely different (new characters, settings, etc)? The next question


What am I doing wrong? I knew there was 2x today, so I decided to level up some link skills. I created a kanna, and went straight to Mr. Lee Airline's. I thought I was going to at least be able to get to 100, but I was wrong. I only got to level 55? Not even enough for level 1 link skill! Am I doing something wrong? With 2x I thought I'd easily reach 100, but I ran out of time at 55. Was it nerfed or something? I've heard of people getting to 120 in the hour limit though... Anyways, new training spot @ level 55?


Coming back Yes yes I know you see these threads on the daily. However, fortunate for me (and you), my friend has basically showed me all the new updated content and all I really need to know. The only thing I need help with is picking a class/funding it. I have about 10bil in pure mesos, and that's all I have. I want you guys to suggest me some classes that you think has decent damage unfunded and funded. Also, what equips should I buy? I believe there's Tyrant, Fafnir, Gollux, etc,. so give me some help! Thanks!

General Chat

Help me find some music If you thought you could introduce me to so new music, I'm sorry, that's not the case. I'm just looking for some songs that are in a genre I'm already interested in. I'm into dubstep/trap. I like songs like this: [url=]Here[/url] I like it when the bass drop isn't too insane. I'm more interested in the beat after the drop. In the song I posted, the bass drop isn't insane and the beat is really nice. I'm looking for more songs like this, but I've had some trouble finding them. If you know what I'm talking about and have any songs/artists in mind, please let me know! Thanks Edit: Even if you have some dubstep/trap music you like, please post them here! I want to see more.

General Chat

Fashion Help As summer is coming, I need to update my wardrobe a bit. I see everyone wearing these brightly colored types of shorts and I want to get a few pairs for myself. I was looking on my own and found some like these : [url=]Here[/url] I feel like these might be too "old-manish"? I don't know. I'm looking for the colors :green, light red, light blue, and orange. If anyone has any experience with these types of colorful shorts, please let me know where you get them from. Thanks

General Chat

Fashion Help EDIT: Moved to Chat section I'm in need of some fashion help. I'd like to update my wardrobe as all I've been seeming to wear is t-shirts and sweats. I'm a 15 year old male and what I'm looking for is something a little better looking than t-shirts and sweats. Now what I've done is I've ordered some khakis and some new vans, hoping to go about that kind of approach. Now I'm wondering what kinds of shirts go good with these. What I've been looking at is mostly long sleeve shirts, but I'm open to anything. I've been looking for those kind of puffy looking sweaters that all the skaters wear? I don't know where to look for them, or really any shirts that would go with my new attire. So please, help me find either a certain style of

General Thief

Switching to another thief class? I have a NL that's level 202 and has a 215k clean range. I'm wondering if it's worth it to change to another thief class with the %luk that I have. I have 216%luk and 485 attack. Is there another class that would benefit me more if I were to switch over? (Example: If I were to switch to a Dual Blade would I be hitting more than what I am not with my night lord, etc) Switching over claw for another weapon is not a problem. Thanks for any help Edit: I don't mean switching to Shadower or Dual Blade, I mean all other thief classes. I'll be making a new character if it's worth it to switch over.

General Chat

Algebra I help Yes yes the good old algebra I. We're on polynomials and this question I got wrong: [b]Volume[/b] The cylinder shown has a volume of 72pi (Then there's a cylinder with a height of 8in. shown) Write a polynomial that represents the volume of the cylinder. Leave your answer in terms of pi. The answer I got was: 8pi(r(squared)-a)=0 8pi(r+3)(r-3)=0 This answer is apparently wrong. Is there a step I'm missing or am I just doing calculations wrong? Thanks for any help.

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