

General Updates

Attacking Extra B Crashes the Game So basically, any form of attack on Extra B disconnects both myself and my friend. I was able to Mist them, but Mist Eruption caused disconnection. Teleport Mastery and all other forms of attacks also resulted in disconnection. However, the use of a familiar bypassed this and the familiar was able to kill Extra B without disconnection. For now I don't suggest attacking them if you don't want to DC, but I haven't been able to test if the use of summons will also result in disconnection as I took all my points out of Ifrit. If anyone can actually kill them it would be interesting to note as well lol. Edit: I added points back to Ifrit today, and when it attacked Extra B I was fine. It may not be the same for

General Updates

Did Nexon Fix Elemental Weapons Yet? Sorry if a post was made like this recently, I searched and nothing was very relevant to what I wanted to ask. I submitted a ticket around when they first messed up and switched the bonuses (ie Elemental Staff 2 gives 10% fire 5% poison when it should be the opposite), got an automated message, so I rejected the "solution." It finally got answered yet again yesterday, and the new response was "We are aware of the issue and as of the more recent updates, we believe it to be resolved." Does anyone have any knowledge of this actually being "resolved" at all? As far as I can tell, my damage is still as low as it was when the bonuses were added back improperly. Note: I am [i]not[

General Updates

Something Wrong With Chat? To keep things short, the things that come out in "to all" are usually things that I have not typed myself. For example, I typed "so whatcha doin?" and it came out as "Targa is a #####". Take it upon yourself to think of the last word if you must; but I did not, and have never, typed this. So pretty much, does anyone know why this is happening / what is happening, or have it happening to you as well? It just started since Tuesday and it's happening to my friends as well, but usually only when they talk to me o.O