


Help me catch up on Maplestory Havent played for a year I decided to get back on the maple train and see how it changed in a year. I quit because there wasn't anything to keep me going, I was bored and league of legends sucked my attention. I'm back now and I see all these new classes like shade, beast tamer, and zero. It looks like I'm gonna have quite some fun testing them out. Anyways I would like to know what are the current op characters. What got needed/buffed majorly and what new bosses and methods of getting mesos are there? Also as a side I had a shark tooth ra whip that I was supposed to sell for 10b a year ago. I couldn't get contact with the person cause of a summer trip I had tooken. Now I wanted to know how much it's worth. Ju

General Chat

Trying to get muscular I wanted to start working out and wanted some suggestions and some homework outs excersises. I am sorta skinny and just need some help to get a nice body before summer ends and highschool starts. Right now I'm in a vacation at London so I would like some types of homework I can do. I will get access to a gym in like 10 days so I just need some help :/. I'm trying to impress my friends and also want to impress this hot girl I haven't seen in 2 years. REALLY NEED SOME GUY ADVICE!

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