

General Updates

Cannon Bazooka crashing client randomly Hi guys! So here i am again after finally getting rid of lag. And now, i have to deal with this issue. if you don't trust this site and think it will give key-log or virus, then please recommend me a site to upload and link screenshots. i just randomly got this site from searching on Google. So anyways, the problem is that after i enter a new map, sometimes by using cannon bazooka, i get this error and i have to click ok for maplestory client to close down. This is only have happened while using cannon bazooka and is giving me trouble when bossing, and training. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

General Quests

Spirit of Rock Hey guys, how are you all? So since i was finally able to play without latency lag, i went to do the kerning square quest line. :) But sadly, when i finally made it to "say No to Plagiarism" quest, i some how can not seem to find Spirit of rock spawning in the boss map.. :3 I am a brawler, if that helps with anything. Maybe some of you guys have encountered this problem, and was able to solve it? hope so! :3 Any help is appreciated, thank you! :D

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