

General Shade

I dont respect universities not nationally ranked I realized today that I don't respect people who don't attend nationally ranked universities. This probably means I'm a terrible person, but I think I can fairly justify my reasoning. I'm 18. I go to a top 20 university. I'm a Mechanical engineering major. I have a 3.74 GPA. A bunch of my friends from high school attend state schools (not ranked nationally) or city schools (in my eyes, glorified community college) and they talk about how hard they work to maintain their 4.0. I realized that whenever I read a Facebook status about how hard they have it, I chuckle and assume their lives are easy and their academics aren't challenging. I'm sure that studying business in a community college migh


Should I rejoin MS Hi ok so the last time I played was pre-big bang and I just stopped playing when my guild died because there was no one to talk to on MS anymore. I do kind of miss the game because I started playing when I was like 8 so it has some kind of nostalgic note to it. Anyways, I have like 300mil to my name, probably, and I've never made any class other than adventurer (think 15x bishop and a marauder). I stopped playing around january '10 so if I came back, I'd be so confused and friendless. But anyways, the PvP looks tempting. Should I rejoin MS?