

Sat Essay Examples help

I'm taking the SATs soon and I was just wondering if you'd give me some ideas for examples?

I don't really keep up with current events or read a lot of literature so I'm seriously lacking on examples. I'd love it if you'd just give me a few (maybe that you used and they worked?) and maybe explain what they'd be good for? (like what kinds of topics)

Thanks so much you guys ily

also maybe some quick tips that really helped you that might save me

August 19, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


I wrote a story about George Washington and how he went out west to fight the Native Americans. Still got a 10.

Reply August 19, 2015

Skip the entire writing section. I still got into college that way.

Reply August 19, 2015

[quote=iproducemilk]Remember that they have no way of verifying whether your anecdotal examples are true or not. Basically, you can make up a completely bs story and make it relevant to the prompt. I have a friend who scored an 11 by making up a story about his uncle breaking his own leg to get prescription drugs which he then sold on the street in order to get money to donate to starving kids in africa. top kek[/quote]


OT: On top of what everyone else said, maybe know some things about some famous people. The first time I took the SAT, Hitler was one of my examples. And then I'm pretty sure I used Steve Jobs, or maybe it was just the company Apple, for my second time.

Reply August 19, 2015 - edited

Remember that they have no way of verifying whether your anecdotal examples are true or not. Basically, you can make up a completely bs story and make it relevant to the prompt. I have a friend who scored an 11 by making up a story about his uncle breaking his own leg to get prescription drugs which he then sold on the street in order to get money to donate to starving kids in africa. top kek

Reply August 19, 2015 - edited

[quote=xreniya]1. history
2. literature
3. your own life

try to use examples from all 3
if you paid attention in class you should know 1 and 2[/quote]


The books you read in your English class(es) should be enough as examples on the SAT. I don't quite remember what examples I used but books like The Great Gatsby and Macbeth should be easy choices. I remember using Jane Eyre and Death of a Salesman too. Go Sparknotes them if you need some ideas.

Reply August 19, 2015 - edited

1. history
2. literature
3. your own life

try to use examples from all 3
if you paid attention in class you should know 1 and 2

this is what i was taught at least

i used frankenstein a lot, and east of eden. great gatsby too
you should at least have a cursory grasp of history

Reply August 19, 2015 - edited

when I was in HS i had to read macbeth and the picture of dorian gray in my junior year, which was when i took my SAT. i did bad on the writing lol so idk if you want to take my advice.
macbet had themes or whatever you call it that could apply to a ton of stuff, which was why my teacher made us read it.
idk, something maybe like... idk... macbeth was a king, really respected, and then i forgot why but then he had a huge downfall. his power got into his head or something. this can be related to current events like bill cosby. he used to be well respected but now we found out his fame and crap led him to take advantage of women... idk something like that lmao i don't really remember since it was so long ago.

Reply August 19, 2015 - edited

This is extremely broad because there are so many themes and most examples wont cover more than 2. The best thing for you to do is just find 5-10 things that you know extremely well off the top of your head and just find ways to relate them to themes such as conformity, success, progress, education, change, obstacles, knowledge, and realism/idealism. Those themes are generally the biggest hit essay prompts for the SAT. If you can match 2 solid example to each theme, you should be more than prepared for Section 1 (Essay)

Reply August 19, 2015 - edited