General Chat

Gun Culture in America and terrorism Obama's had to speak to the nation 15 times over his presidency about gun violence. Why must we continue to enshrine the Second Amendment? What do guns do except inflict pain and suffering? So we can defend others? A good guy with a gun in the nightclub would not have stopped the shooter. If anything, more casualties would have resulted. Also, why was the FBI not on top of the guy? He was interviewed three times for his claims to terrorist groups. He TOLD them he had sympathy for terrorist groups. Why did no one act? What were they smoking??! Why was the guy allowed to buy guns legally when the FBI knew he was dangerous? We need tougher gun laws and better FBI agents.

General Chat

Deadliest shooting in U.S. history Rant 50+ people killed at that nightclub and the NRA refuses to do anything about it except to insist that a "good guy with a gun" will stop the baddies. Nothing will be done about gun control since all the Republicans in Congress are cronies of the NRA. God help us if Trump wins in November. There will be shootings like this every single day. #PrayForOrlando #StopTrump I've quit MS btw. I'm still on here because of the interesting topics in the chat section.

General Chat

Android Developers out there...please help! So I'm trying to make a tuner application so I can market it on the Play Store and make money off of ads (hehe). I can record, store and play back audio fine (see link below) but I don't know how to implement getting the pitch of said recorded audio. I was on Stack Overflow over the past few hours and all of them said something about using a Fast Fourier Transform thingy. Trouble is, no matter what FFT library I import into my project, nothing seems to work. Any help??

General Chat

Xperia C6916 charging very inefficently Hi all, I recently got the Xperia Z1s and it's been a pretty nice phone. The battery lasts me two days with moderate usage. The only problem is that my phone takes forever to charge. So I check out the current flowing through my phone and that's where I find the problem. When using the stock charger and cable, I get less than half of their advertised current...600 ma or so (out of 1500). So I upgrade to an intelligent charger that can pump out 2.4 amps. So I'm expecting the phone to get the full 2 amps since that is the maximum it can hold but no! I get a pathetic increase of only 200 ma. So my phone takes more than 3 hours to charge. How do I increase the efficiency of my charger? I'm looking for cur

General Chat

Poker Game Hand evaluator Hi all, I need help with evaluating hands for a Poker project. So all the methods take in an Array of type Card and it is supposed to evaluate your hand of 5 cards to see if any match the description. What I need: public static boolean hasPair(Card[] cards) public static boolean hasTwoPair(Card[] cards) public static boolean hasThreeOfAKind(Card[] cards) public static boolean hasStraight(Card[] cards) public static boolean hasFlush(Card[] cards) public static boolean hasFullHouse(Card[] cards) public static boolean hasFourOfAKind(Card[] cards) public static boolean hasStraightFlush(Card[] cards) Important: Each of these methods checks whether or not the set of cards satisfies the given poker hand, but it does not c

General Chat

Please join me in Prayer... Dear God, Tonight I ask that you watch over the people of France and Paris in particular. Comfort those who are wounded, both physically and emotionally by this horrific act of violence. Give those who seek to bring the perpetrators to justice the means to do so. In Jesus' name we pray... Amen. Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

General Chat

How to call a Constructor in another class? Hey all, I have a comp sci project due on Thursday night and I need help desperately. I'm wondering how you can call a Constructor from one class in Java in another class. The first class is an Address class with a Constructor with four String arguments. I want to call it in a Photoprocessing class that has only one string argument so that the combined Constructor has 5 string arguments. How do I do it? The Address class is also immutable so I can't have any set methods. Right now as I have it, it's combining the name with my default Constructor which is not what I want. I need it to display the information the user entered. I'll send along a picture soon. Thanks!

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