

Stop attacking ashleyattacked

Just because she posts long threads with irrelevant topics doesn't mean she's a spambot. Maybe that's just who she is as a person.

October 27, 2015

30 Comments • Newest first


She does have attack in her username.

Reply November 7, 2015

@bearsandlions: Yes, you can grasp at straws and claim that everything eventually boils down to biological functions, chemistry, and subatomic particles, however that approach is still missing a key point of relevance in this particular context.

I can sit here all day and show you dynamical field models of neuronal activation, bayesian probability models used in the decision making resulting from said field models, visual depictions of said probability models through bayesian hierarchical models, as well as discuss philosophical implications regarding naturalistic materialism and how all of the aforementioned would relate to what I said right there, but that would still miss the entire point of why I said that in the first place, as well as that conversation which concluded literally days ago.

I used to think I could be content with self-studying philosophy and trying to make vague connections between everything when I was 12 all the way up until I began community college at 15, but at some point you just begin to realize that repetitive and outlandish inquiry becomes ultimately impractical. However, I digress, the primary point here is that kind of response completely misses the point of relevancy.

Reply October 29, 2015 - edited

[comment deleted]

Reply October 29, 2015 - edited

@bearsandlions: Given that literally nothing mentioned here had anything remotely to do with any of the physical sciences or biology, I'd suggest you do so.

Reply October 29, 2015 - edited

[comment deleted]

Reply October 29, 2015 - edited

@bearsandlions: Before I pick that apart, what exactly were you responding to in this thread? I have an idea, but I need to make sure before I point out the obvious miscommunication here.

Reply October 29, 2015 - edited

[comment deleted]

Reply October 29, 2015 - edited

Remember when everyone was friendly with each other? Me neither.

Reply October 28, 2015 - edited

@coldinside: If it truly hurts them beyond all hope of trying to treat them as equals and telling them to not just get offended bc they can get away with it...then I fully understand and apologize. I never, ever, intend to try to hurt anyone...nor act like I'm in any role to do anything outside myself and my own whatever.

Bout your other thing...iono where I'm taking the role of victim anywhere that contradicts anything I've said o.o
I have openly admitted several times that it really hurt me when people specifically trashed my ability to use english. I didn't bring this up to be a victim or point fingers about anything like that at all...I brought it up because that's part of communication and I hoped that by being open about it whoever it was would tone it back down, at least to an extent that sought to help inform me as opposed to directly inflict pain.

It's that line that I never compromise about. I've moved away from expecting the vast majority of people here to have any concern with hurting another person, but I've always maintained that I would never knowingly do that, specifically in a cruel, unnecessary manner. Like I said and have said several times...I do get carried away but I try to maintain the same sense of boundaries in all areas...and there have been 3 specific times where someone called me on my own getting carried away by my own stupidity and potentially hurting someone on a personal level. I apologized.

I see the confusion my telling someone not to be offended just because they could be and to suck it up...but I don't consider this hypocritical. Specifically, I was trying to call that persons bluff on their claims of even being offended. I figured that, like most people, the idea of being offended isn't actually an emotion but an entitlement. It's against that that I tried to coax them forward. But if that's their notion of limits then I am genuinely sorry - my assessment of values and personal limitations have no relevance to anyone elses. If I overstepped my bounds and crossed the line by making assumptions...I am sorry for that.

Also, its worth nothing that I've never tried to insult anyone nor pretend that I was in any position to tell people that they should consider whatever I ramble about to any degree. I'm simply expressing confusion that so many people are worked up over what I write. Let alone that it curtails their ability to appreciate the board. And even more confusing - that this somehow qualifies me in their opinion as someone to not simply disagree with - but to literally target those things I've shared as being painful and personal to me and try even harder to hurt me.

I know that that likely opens me up more to it - but I wanted to at least give whoever...and I guess this forum as a whole...the ability to something other than specifically acting with intent to harm.

I would never presume to argue my own rights, even to where they're infringed, in my opinion, by deliberate intent to harm, on any level where I would ever do something so personally offense to me as bother to make any claim on anyone else where the only entitlement I have to offer is something so dumb as 'being a victim.' I know what I'm getting into by being a person on the internet and wouldn't want it any other way. The only distinction I am ever trying to make in the points you referenced where I assume some perceived role as a victim is KNOWING what sort of person I'm dealing with. If they're someone unconcerned with intentionally inflicting harm on someone with the only provocation being that I 'annoyed' them - then that says a lot of value to consider when assessing my take away on them as a person.

I'm not a victim, I don't feel victimized, and I don't want sympathy. I'm here of my own volition to not let my life be controlled by my own situation in life where the language that runs me isn't the language I even think in my minds voice.


I'll pm you re: funding. I actually did respond to you in GREAT detail the last time you pointed my dodging out - but when I hit enter the post errored out and the content was I gave up. lol.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited


No disrespect here but I find it kind of hypocritical that you’re adopting a victimized stance in response to how people treat your posts. In one of your own stories, you respond to someone you offend by saying �" Don’t get offended just because you can. That’s stupid”. Practice what you preach, you might want to try taking your own advice.

That being said, whether or not you make long posts is up to you. Although @sezbeth: makes a good point (He’s a 21 year old PhD candidate so it’s expected ). Mastery of the English language involves much more than stringing together large words. If you can’t communicate effectively in any given language you might as well speak Latin. With English being your second language I’m not sure if you communicate much with others outside the web. In real life communication however you would tailor your message to your audience. For example- if a lawyer was speaking to his kid’s class about his job, he wouldn’t go into the gritty details of his work. Rather he’d simplify his language so the kids have an understanding of what a lawyer does and it may even motivate the kids to want to become lawyers in the future.

In a similar manner I’d recommend that you tailor your posts to your audience. That would be a great way to practice your English and prepare you for communication in the real world. Maybe if you’re communicating with a history buff, who can understand the subtle references in your style- a long post may be warranted, but if you’re communicating with �"laymen” you can shorten your posts or try to give them a reason to be interested. Otherwise you’ll appear no different from a person speaking to the air ( Or a Mormon trying to convert you) and your posts will continue to receive backlash for essentially reading like spam.

Just my 2 cents.

PS: You keep dodging my question about where your money comes from!! How do you get the money to buy NX and even a laptop- if you don’t have a job?

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@hsermule1: You actually thought highly enough about your handling of me there to rehash it in all of its quote of a quote from the mouth of another person glory?

Sorry, I don't pretend to hide behind phony pretexts to draw attn away from my attempts to at least enjoy the presence, or, as you would no doubt prefer to (for god only knows what motive) subvert such high falutin claims with the terse but correct 'insult' that I, altruism aside, actually do come here for the attention of other people. Yes, I enjoy seeking attention. Should I have some other reason for spending my time here like I do? I'm find greater meaning from you...but...I just want attention...and its getting in the way.

Anyways, I can proofread your next attempts to eviscerate me since we've worked together to make a paint by numbers pattern for me to follow. Technically, you don't even need to be here - but then I'd be getting less attention so there goes that attempt to nix even further any remaining doubts that you post here for anything resembling 'attn'...I think you put it best when you said someone else said that you come here because of cockroach. AH, definitions and words and quotes and definitions, gahhhh =/ I promise, tho, that I can insert admonitions about wanting attention and then kinda dodge it all in the same way you do by following it up with a left handed hook knocking me so eloquently on the ass of my words only to deftly pull the carpet from beneath me, staying all over me, now coming in for the coup de grace by pointing out again that I want attn - and don't even know the right definitions of the words I'm using to seek it out!

I guess what I'm trying to ask is...should I keep trying to pain my finger nails darker black and sit alone in my own angst, or is that too mindless as attn seeking goes?

I wanna make you proud. I want to really shine!

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@ashleyattacked: oh honey, so unfortunate that you think I need to publicly eviscerate you when it's already happened! and I mean you do it on a day to day basis anyway whether or not I'm there! Now stop quoting me and go learn the actual definitions of words you're using

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@hsermule1: Do you actually think...and I'm asking honestly, sarcasm intended...that I would really be tossing around that phrase in all caps the way I am...over and over and over...if I was in any way concerned with using it 'correctly'? Dunno why you're trying to couch your own attempts to be mean to me within silly set ups staged just to pull off some gotcha something or other and show off your own cunning intellect?

You're, NUNC PRO TUNC an odd duck.

If you want, pm me and I can help you stage a stunning public evisceration of me. Like, we can make people think you really exposed me for not knowing the difference between a duck and a goose!

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@ashleyattacked: good for you

by the way, your use of those two words is incorrect but carry on parading around this facade if it makes you happy in your own little world.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@hsermule1: I intend to NUNC PRO TUNC hold you in escrow against yourself.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@ashleyattacked: f7, I'd assume by the legal terms and the Latin that you're taking, planning on taking or have taken an education that encompasses legality and it's terms. However, in relation to your intention of improving your English, there is no need to repeat a term over and over, that doesn't help English, in your paragraph I count 9 'escrow's and 2 'insofar's that is not spread throughout your paragraph, in addition to that, 'insofar' is not used nearly as often as 'so far as' and an examiner or someone who marks your test may find your use of uncommon terms annoying. Say what you will, those are my 2 cents.

btw, you can't stop me doing anything because none of what I am saying is slanderous considering I can buttress my statements with evidence so no point in you and your "judgement" nonsense

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

Ashley is dtf and does that kinky ish too.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@hsermule1: I'll grant all that admissible...but only insofar as I can appeal it, render a tentative judgement, then disclaim it insofar as is relevant before seizing you and holding you in escrow against yourself. I object to you in whole while roundly declaiming you in an abortive effort to somehow motion upon high that god interdict on his own merits and declare prima facie my own subjective judgement regarding your putative relationship to any and all values, no matter how ascertained, and henceforth remit you back into escrow against yourself against myself...held necessarily ex post facto until such time as I can sufficiently deem meritorious your levy as expressed in the first and second words of your name - inasmuch as they represent 1) notice of retaining some manner of claim not specifically interdicting anything specifically, and 2) NUNC PRO TUNC - IN ANY FORM. I further levy you against yourself and hold in escrow any putative dependents otherwise contested NUNC PRO TUNC until such time as death or colourful colloquialisms hold themselves in escrow against your own ore tenus promise that you mean it FOR REAL THIS TIME. Other, I am sure, totally and NUNC PRO TUNC, that you qualify as an ENCUMBRANCE against your own legal aid...further held in escrow against you double any lien you pretend to encumber this Ashley with. You are now being held on a further tentatively admissible notion of 'henceforth' and 'merit' and by extension 'usage of nouns.' I even legally declaim you remiss of any judgement rendered while being held NUNC PRO TUNC in escrow TOO. Any and all mediative restitution will be further held against EVERYTHING NUNC PRO TUNC in escrow, as a lien for all of that stuff, and even any extra escrow in which you are holding escrow against yourself this time!

Back on topic...I never knowingly tried to hurt anyone. If I did...even if I disagree with the assessment...I genuinely apologize - that wasn't my intent. I have fun sometimes and other times I get silly too a fault. Not your fault and no excuse - again, sorry if I hurt you.

@achyif -- If I'm not already...I intend to somehow be ACTUALLY happening to Basil in some form NUNC PRO TUNC.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

what the hell is actually going on in basil?

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

What if s/he attacked first? Many things that this person has written is often provoking a response and causes people to attack them.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited



I realize you're trying to bolster your competency with the English language, however I feel as if you're lacking in certain finesse. There's more to writing than trying to fit as many complex terms as one can into a body of text.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@sezbeth: No, I was attempting, however hamfistedly, to communicate with you.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@ashleyattacked: Interesting; and would you mind providing a citation for the research claim?

With that in mind, I wont deny that the sentiment was slightly irritating (actually, I do recall admitting to it, as well as the redundancy it was associated with in said thread), though "pain" seems to be an exaggerated misnomer.

Another thing; were you actually attempting to hurt my feelings? If so, you're going to have to do much better than that.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@sezbeth: Exactly right. And you couldn't be more righteously indignant because, as study after research after collective study has shown - telling someone they take things too seriously is a pain inflicting wound.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

[comment deleted]

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited


Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@ashleyattacked: I have a precise recollection that you recently attempted (emphasis on "attempted" ) to criticize my supposed "hopelessly taking things seriously". This sudden shift to the victimized position is rather ironic.

@xcaliburx23: Speaking of irony, in that same thread you inferred that ashleyattacked was, and I quote, a "troll looking for attention", did you not?

I'm missing something in the way of consistency here.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

'It's cool to try to inflict pain on people over the internet. Even cooler when the girl says it hurts. That's when it's time to try even harder.'

- Basilmarket.

I've been making it abundantly clear since the beginning of this nonsense that I didn't intend to sound arrogant - the big words, while admittedly 'big' least bigger than 'an'...were chosen to help me practice my control of english. Basically I didn't and don't want to be held back in my life by something this stupid. So I practice here...and I'm clear about everything it means. I use big words bc they're big and difficult for a reason. Namely - bc they're ones that I have trouble with. So I try to use them, etc. Gah. Can't believe how controversial such a thing can be. Similarly - I can't believe anyone would try so hard to hurt someone who has never done a thing to them.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

@xcaliburx23: It's a pun having to do with the Paladin's White Knight job advancement and your admittedly stereotypical "white knighting" (see: ) regarding a female on the internet.

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited

What does my job have to do with me defending her?

Reply October 27, 2015 - edited