

General Nightlord

How should I potential my Fafnir claw? So recently I finally decided to upgrade my claw as my old one was just 167 ATK, so recently I bought a clean Fafnir claw and perfected it using 2 hammers as well to +10 with the 15% spell traces which give +9 ATT. After that I have enhanced it to 9 stars giving it 215 W. ATK. Now I am wondering, what kind of potential should I be settling for? Boss damage or total damage/ ATK/LUK? It is currently unique, and are Black cubes the best way to bring it to legendary because they are very expensive? My main goal would most likely be killing bosses, but just wondering if the more damage potentials outweigh bossing damage %. Thanks for any suggestions and help!

General Nightlord

If I change classes, will hp and mp adjust accordingly? Hi, I have a nightlord level 187, and if I change him to say maybe a shad or a Blade Master, will his HP and MP change according to what a Blade Master or Shad's HP and MP would be at that level? And also if I decide to change back to a Night Lord, will my HP and MP and also my previous damage range go back to what it was before when I was still a NL? Thanks I just really wanna clear this off my mind as I am not sure on this.

General Bowman

Mercedes or Bm or W/a? Hi everyone, I am thinking about making a bowman class and I need some advice. I currently have a nightlord which I really like but I also want to make a bowman class and I just want to know out of the three, which would be a better pick if I am used to playing a Night Lord style? From what I hear, it looks like Mercedes since I hear that they are mobile and fast, but does that mean they are weak? If funded to say around 300k range for example would they be decent? Thanks!

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