

Why would you overpower an I/L? (a class-loving rant)

Disclaimer: kids, this is a rant. a.k.a, these are all opinions, not OMG UR WRONG empirical *facts.* Agree/disagree at will.

Lately, I've been slowly but methodically getting % int equips. I'm a low-luk, lightning-wanded I/L who happily tags along on boss runs, only uses Blizzard when she has to level at skeles, loves zapping things to bits, and loves being able to inflict decent damage. Not a huge damage h0r by any means-- I'm content settling with non-unique, affordable stats because I self-make/scroll everything. I am not, strictly speaking, that overpowered. And definitely not the strongest that an I/L can be.

So I take pride in my little victories. I was chirping happily about making a 6% int shield within the 5 cubes that I'd bought from an alliance member, when a buddy-lister of mine asked: "why would you overpower an I/L? It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't see the point. I would never overpower my bishop."

To which I said: "...bishops aren't attackers, they're a supportive class. Damage doesn't matter." (that's the simple explanation. let's not bring the bishop hate on this thread) AMs, we're treated as useless except for being ultimate-spammers even though it's bishes who are preferred for leech/training (I still get asked for HS even though I use an Elewand), and when I go on boss runs, people who don't know me often go "wait, why is the AM here?" or "...I thought you were a bish." (Even though, I/Ls, you can deal zappy damage on things while everyone's helplessly weapon-attack-canceled by bosses. Is fun.) It's an unspoken fact that half the time, people take me along out of pity or friendship more than utility.

so several others said: "but, it's not worth it. you'll never match up. quit your AM and go play your ranger full-time if you want to 1v1 & boss." my little ranger is almost lv100, and I really like archers. Since 2006 I've liked these two classes, and fully intend never to make any others.

But there we go-- playing style & personal preference again. I like being I/L. I like knowing the nuances of my telecasting inside & out and dancing around things that are sealed, frozen, and easy to pick off; I like clearing the entire horizontal width of my screen with one CL zap. Even if Blizz is cooled-down, I will NOT be disarmed.

If everyone's a skeptic, well, bring on the challenge. Play your easy-pants straightforward universally-accepted-to-be-broken classes. I'm not going to compare DPS/DPM numbers with you (especially after the BB comes, where the numbers will speak for themselves); you guys may as well all whip out measuring tapes while you're at it. I like being I/L; don't knock me for it. I like being useful; so if I'm going to want to boss, I may as well be strong enough.

So basically, well, why WOULDN'T I overpower my I/L? It's fun.

.//end rant, which any other skeptic will be directed to.

September 28, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


I used to get the same thing all the time. At Anego, at Bigfoot, at Crow.

Until I halved a hero's crow time, matched a 17x DrK's BF time, solo'd Zak and killed Anego in 8 minutes.


Seriously though, people are just ignorant and stupid. The majority of players these days seem to only care about DPM (Take that, Post-BB!), and so the idea of a 'fun' class these days is of COURSE entirely ludicrous. --;

Reply September 28, 2010