

Would you date someone who is Hiv positive?


August 13, 2015

15 Comments • Newest first


That depends on how they got the HIV.

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

I have no intentions of having intercourse regardless of STDs, so that's really not an issue. The main issue is finding someone who would be willing to go out with me xD

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

I think about this sometimes when I look at a girl, and thinking "Does she look like a person who would have HIV+? Would I date her?"

As I think about it, I would date them but it really depend. I would date the person but I would not have intercourse with them. </3

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

I couldn't if it was only dating. If we were to ever break up, I would possibly be left with a perminant disease. On the other hand, if my future husband contracted it from anything other than cheating on me (eating off dirty fork for example) I'd still give him all my heart and kiss him till we died together.

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

I would, not everyone deserves the misfortunes that they have to live with.
Give every person a chance tbh

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

yeah, why noy?

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

[quote=otamegane]Why would I want to date defective and used goods?[/quote]why'd you just describe your mom?

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

This is a good question. I was actually thinking about something along these lines awhile ago. I wished you put more details into your thread though. I mean given your question, generally speaking. I probably wouldn't of. But that very very very highly depends on the person.

You have to keep in mind that there are people who would intentionally infect you with HIV just because. Or they feel if they have it, everyone else should too. So there's that.
Even though it's reasonable to not want to date them in fear you may contract the disease, is it really fair? I mean they're people too. All they want is the same things any other person would want in a relationship. Though with that in mind, it may mean that there's very little you could do together if someone would be in a relationship with an HIV+ person. No intercourse of any kind, no kissing. (Yes, i learned that saliva could transmit HIV, but it's not a extremely high chance. However it depends on what type of kissing you do) Have to be very cautious when there's an injury on the HIV+ person. You know for obvious reasons.

I'll just leave it as it takes a very specific special person for someone without HIV to be with someone with it.

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

yeah as long as i dont contract

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

Why would I want to date defective and used goods?

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

Wait so if I hit it then I'd still contract the disease no matter how madly we're both in love with each other?

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

If they're undetectable and I've taken all measures to prevent it myself, then probably. Depends how I feel about them.

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

Probably not.

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

Probably not

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited

but do we love each other?

Reply August 13, 2015 - edited