

General Site

Basilmarket CSS For FF lel someone beat me to it. Anyways, this is for Firefox, install the Stylish addon, create 2 new blank styles and just copy and paste. Yes, you can use both at the same time, that's how I intended it. Of course, you can also just use one and ignore the other. (updated 10/11) (updated 10/11) The first one is general modifications to the layout. The second one affects the colors of the site. If you notice, the one for colors has CSS variables, so if you don't like my choice of colors, you can easily change it if you want. I haven't finished getting everything in the CSS for colors so you may have trouble using some pages. The CSS for general layout stuff should be fine for now, but can screw some things up if MrB contin

General Chat

basilmarket dark like my soul theme Update 2: Did the following: stories page, stories thread, profile page, also changed the way spoilers are displayed to be similar to how they work on certain imageboards and added a minor fade in effect on page load. Again, please tell me if anything looks messed up. Update: Did the following pages: post edit, post reply, quoted, create new thread, and also did some minor things here and there. I also realized I accidentally removed the thread preview text on the frontpage, it should display now. Bored and had a lot of free time so I started writing a CSS for this site. This will make the site a bit more simple and give it a dark theme to make it easier on the eyes for your late night troll posting pleas


problem with chapel wedding I tried to marry my mule today, but for some reason, everytime I finish the wedding I'm still not married. I already tried 4 times and its the same result each time. I'm not sure what problem is, but I think it might be because I proposed with the ring that I made pre ascension, which the name is slightly different than the new ones that you just buy. I also didn't invite anyone since I didn't really feel the need for it, but i think that might be the problem too. Could anybody please help if you know anything about this problem I'm having, or confirm if pre ascension engagement rings won't work if I used them now? Or maybe explain to me the procedure for when I'm in the wedding hall incase I'm doing something wr