
HP Boost Potions I have a lot of HP Boost Potions for sale but I always seem to get questions about these potions so I thought I would share this info with the basil community. :) Health Boost Potions are potions you can make through alchemy that give you 2,000 HP for 2hours. This 2k HP stacks with regular/self HB, % HP equips, and % HP Skills and gets multiplied by them too! So lets say you're a DB, and you have 10% HP from equips and 10% HP from the skill "shadow resistance". You will get 2,400 HP instead of just 2000 :D. Got Reg HB also? Then you will get 3200 Hp instead of just 2000! This makes HP Boost potions perfect for people who want to boss but still can't survive, even with HB. So if anyone wants to buy some HP Boost po