
I joined Gms in 2006, wondering if I should restart

I actually live in Europe but I started playing in Windia in 2006 when I was 14, I'm 21 now and a bit worried I'm too old to play now. I've taken so many breaks I'm wondering if I should just start with a clean slate and go back to the beginning, or just give up and play on EMS? I've tried to restart 3/4 times but I can never find an active community that's online as often as I am. Anyway, advice would be appreciated!

November 2, 2012

29 Comments • Newest first


only if you start with a GM clean slate scroll.
Lol just kidding. You can never be too old for Maple in my opinion. I am 15 years old and I've been playing for a long time. My family says I'm too old for this game, but I know many people who are over the age of 21 that play this game as well. If it entertains you, play it. If you get bored easily, it's not worth playing and wasting your time and money. Personal opinions. I still play because it's fun but I don't waste money.

Reply November 5, 2012

yea never too late for ms but uhh u might be dissapointed by lots of the game stuff, & for community guild buddies etc, takes quite a while to get them (or at least for me)

Reply November 5, 2012

EMS is just terrible because you have kms stuff released which seems like some distant thing since its in a different language, but then GMS gets it and you are just super jealous. But yeah I don't think you should play because the game isn't that multi-player anymore. Its a lot easier to get play alone and for the parts you need other people, its easier to just keep friendships aside and get down to the real business.

Reply November 5, 2012

I can almost guarantee that when you were 14, there were 21 year olds roaming the game playing alongside you.

Don't sweat the age. Just play if you want to play.

Reply November 5, 2012

Quit man you played when this game was somewhat fun now this game has been trash since 2009 even before then it's time to move on haha

Reply November 5, 2012

Okay guys which server would be the best to start in then? I'm not sure if I should go for more or slightly less populated than Windia - as being in Europe I'd have some lag

Reply November 5, 2012

Windia hands down is the worst community I've experienced in MS.

Plus EMS has more intelligent and enjoyable players so feel free to head there. Have fun.

Reply November 4, 2012

Alright well I guess I'll redownload then

Reply November 4, 2012

as long as you enjoy the game just keep playing, i've played since 2006 also and i'm 20 now, i still play on and off

Reply November 3, 2012

I started playing at 18 in 07, i'm 23 now. You're never too old to play a game, it doesn't have a max age requirement.

Reply November 3, 2012

[quote=CrazyHolz]Nope, I don't remember you, but I have a bad memory. That's so strange that you live in the UK too. I would laugh if you happened to live in the East Midlands too? lol[/quote]
Haha no, Northern Ireland, sorry

Well thanks for your advice, all. I guess I'll stick to global but pick a different server to encourage me to really get into the game from scratch again.

Reply November 2, 2012

[quote=goegg2]EMS is stupid dont play it.
So much dupers, GM scrolls drop from monsters.
And infinite onyx apples.[/quote]Dupers are gone. GM scrolls dropped from monsters in Private Minidungeon event. It's gone.
Same with apples.

Reply November 2, 2012

[quote=OmNomBom]Do you remember Yovee/Vicky from Pirates or Mayonaka guilds? Because that was me. I was also Paaaz on Basil. Your IGN seems familiar! I also live in the UK :x[/quote]

Nope, I don't remember you, but I have a bad memory. That's so strange that you live in the UK too. I would laugh if you happened to live in the East Midlands too? lol

Reply November 2, 2012

Come give it a try I find people from EMS to be a lot more experienced and not so solo based.
You might want to try a slightly more populated world or even one of the world alliances in GMS.
You shouldn't have to worry about being banned or blocked.
I would only go back to EMS if you think someday it'll get popular again.
Otherwise enjoy GMS and what little we have to offer.

Reply November 2, 2012

Age doesn't matter, but the game sucks..
I suggest you try another game

Reply November 2, 2012

I play from Europe and I've never really had a problem with lag, even when I had a terrible connection. Well, looting is a bit of a pain but most people have pets anyway I guess.

Reply November 2, 2012

Yeah, I also started playing in 2006. The moment when Broa came out. And I actually have the same problem as you - I always wana restart playing maple, but I can never find an active community, so I always end up quiting again. I`m also from Europe.

Oh and, yeah, lag has never been a problem. I only notice small delays when looting items.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

Been playing for 7 years now. Almost turning 20. The game is still fun to me.

I have no lag, I'm from Europe.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

Play EMS.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=RyanFlyin426]21 years old is almost the perfect age. Honestly, I think anyone under the age of 13 should be banned from the game.

GMS is way more populated than EMS. Yet, still half the towns in GMS are still barren wasteland. If you'd want to play with an active community, I recommend Scania, Bera, or Broa. Since you've already played Windia and it seems boring, try another world?[/quote]

I'm 13........

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=CrazyHolz]Haha wow, I also live in Europe and started playing in Windia in 2006 when I was 14, AND I'm also 21 now! I still play. So if you start playing again in Windia, feel free to buddy xHollie cos our time zones will be similar, if not the same. I live in the UK.[/quote]

Do you remember Yovee/Vicky from Pirates or Mayonaka guilds? Because that was me. I was also Paaaz on Basil. Your IGN seems familiar! I also live in the UK :x

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

Haha wow, I also live in Europe and started playing in Windia in 2006 when I was 14, AND I'm also 21 now! I still play. So if you start playing again in Windia, feel free to buddy xHollie cos our time zones will be similar, if not the same. I live in the UK.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

You mentioned that you have several accounts, made before the region block.
This might be a weird question, but could I get/buy one of your mule accounts?
I'm from europe too, I'm afraid that I'll get hacked one day and I'll never be able to play again.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

Yes, 21 is too old. Any age over 13 is too old T_T

Comming from a 17 uear old

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

21 ain't old at all :X

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

If you're struggling to find an active community, maybe start playing in Scania? I know it lags like hell sometimes, but there are always people on. Also, don't join EMS, may as well stick with the game that's in English and has most of the classes out already (with new classes to come )

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=hailzeta]im 24 and still enjoy maple allot, im playing in gms to and living in europe so if you gonna start up again hook me up im in bera server and glad to help you out with some things.[/quote]

Woohoo Haha yes I think my issue is I've -always- gone back to Windia, maybe if I changed server it would encourage me to try harder

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=MaplexHero]EMS is behind GMS by alot. But, there is the risk that if you join GMS then your account could be cancelled due to the region block. You are not too old though o.o I know some of my friends parents (like 30-33 yrs old) still play. Besides, if you like the game just play it. But, since you said about EMS not being as popular... (which is verrrrrrrry true). You could try GMS. WE are much more populated and have many more updates. Only bad thing is that if you get region blocked, you lose everything. So, it's up to you.[/quote]

Well I have 4-5 accounts made before the region ban a few years ago which I should still be able to use I'm more just concerned about lag tbh.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

You're never too old for Maple

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited