


Doubt anybody will agree with this. I have a simple explanation, with all the glitches we've had in the past few days with Chaos. Actually, any major update really. You don't have to agree with me on this, but I think Nexon is being rushed, to get KMS content to us faster. Because so many people are demanding it. People from this place especially, or maybe on the Nexon forums. I don't go there so i don't know. Because there are so many kids RAGING and DEMANDING that we get KMS content faster, Nexon is trying to make us happy by bringing us closer to KMS. But the downside? They have FAR less time to test it out, iron out all the kinks and glitches. So if it wasn't for all the people practically demanding new content, constantly, or being ube

General Updates

Are some maps glitched big time Okay, this is really starting to...annoy me. Every single freaking time i log onto my Dualblader, which is in Singapore right now, it NEVER fully loads. Like, alot of the map doesnt load, like background. Or sometimes the character itself doesnt load and all i see is my hair ( thats funny ) Is this a Dualblader problem? Or a map problem. And is anybody else getting this?... Yes, i do have Windows 7 Ultimate 64x ( My sader works just fine, im in Ludi atm and im not lagging/crashing...only on my DB