


Should have saw it comming After 8 (on and off) years of playing this game, my main account got hacked for the 2nd time. It feels as if it all was a waste of time really o-o. Don't really know what happened really o-o never gave my info out to anyone...not even my own cousin...Oh well~ After being on basil all these years seeing one after one people getting hacked I guess I should have saw it comming XD. Spent a good 300 bucks on this game over the years XD (not gonna lie to myself @_@ saved all my cards lololol) Didn't have much, 15%luk scar helm, 12% luk rose earrings ,9%luk shield 17 att clean, 9% pants, 12%luk htp, 12%luk cape and my 135 att dagger with 3% all stat and 6% att, 15 att wg, 6% luk goggles, 6%luk 7att witches belt. I alread

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never thought it would happen to me but i think i just got a char. on my acc locked. i log into my others just find but this one, after i put in my pin all i get is a black screen. i guess it had something to do with zak, since i was there and i had a chn, i got in and was waiting for a friend to come inside. Next thing i know i dc. I try to log back and and its the same thing over and over again. black freakin screen. bleh. thanks alot greedy gamers cant even wait like the rest of us do. thats my rant. anyone know how to fix it? stop it? w.e.? or am i just screwed?