


after very many years I finally hit 150. I finally, hit 3/4 of the way. It feels good! Haha I rememeber finally hitting 70, at LA, and jumping around spamming avenger w/o shadow partner, because I went avenger first. I remember being 100, and doing the quest for the silver dep star, and big foot and HH would 1-hit me. I remember hitting 120, I was at lhc, finally hit 120, then the server went down for the BB patch. It's those little memories that make maple interesting. Thats my little blurb for the day. Happy mapling y'all!

General Nightlord

I have a question for my NL/herm/nw superiors. So, here's my question, should, I stay dexless, or get enough dex for a scarab or something? The reason for my question, is because I'm unfunded, so I can only use srolls and claws I find. I got a Skanda at the last anniversary, and that's teh claw I've been using on my NW. so far, 1 60% worked on, making it 35 Atk, and 2 10% failed, leaving it with 3 slots left. so should I stay dexless, loot 3 cfa, and hope they all work, or add enough dex to use a scarab, or the mamba I have on my main. with all my equips, I have 65 dex.


Sorry for another world transfer thread So my BL and guild are pretty much dead for the time being (except teh same 4-5 that are always on) So I was thinking of making a char in another world for awhile then checking back every now and then. Any suggestions? I'm not too fond of populated servers, but if you present a good argument, you may persuade me otherwise. thanks, super Edit: also, how are the smega wars in the server you're suggesting? Windia has some.....well.....they aren't all that great. haha