

Where can I train?

Hey, I am currently level 98 and training at Gallopera's. I find it slow unless I have 6x on. Twisted Jesters is a bit packed at times, and I don't like splitting the map. Can you please help me and give me an idea to where to train please? Thanks!

April 6, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


Wait, is 6x still on? I thought the 2x cards and the 3x exp events were finished o.O

Reply April 7, 2012

[quote=lipperman123]-Monster Park PQ
-Spirit Vikings
-Blood Harps
- Red Kents

Thanks! But I think that the lycanthropes and werewolves would be a bit difficult, because they are strong to ice, and my lightning attacks aren't the greatest.

Reply April 6, 2012

MP3, there are usually lots of people there so find a party

Reply April 6, 2012

-Monster Park PQ
-Spirit Vikings
-Blood Harps
- Red Kents

Reply April 6, 2012