

what's good on the outside and bad on the inside?

what's good on the outside and bad on the inside?
it could be in regards to looks, or taste, or anything you would perceive. an example could be a really hot girl that seems like a beaut on the outside, but is an egomaniac inwardly.
i know its pretty vague but could you just shoot some ideas out?
thanks a lot.

May 15, 2011

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=TehRaygunicorn]Sure thing buddy, good luck with whatever you're doing haha [/quote]

i'm doing an accounting isu, and my accounting term is "full disclosure principal" which basically states that everything in a business needs to be shown (i.e. if i were selling a business, i would need to show all the law suits that may be pending and etc, disclosing all the information). i have to make a poster that would take no longer than 5 seconds to analyze and so i was thinking of doing something that looks really good on the outside and something bad on the inside. for instance, having a picture where someone is flexing and their arm looks huge and then extending it to show the rest of their body where you can see that they aren't muscular at all. i have no idea how to put that on the computer but i'm thinking haaard.
and my slogan is going to be: "show the entire picture".

Reply May 15, 2011

[quote=TheOnlyHope]thanks a ton. great answer and i really appreciate it ![/quote]

Sure thing buddy, good luck with whatever you're doing haha

Reply May 15, 2011

[quote=TehRaygunicorn]Maybe a rotten egg?

It's pure and white on the outside, but nasty and smelly on the inside[/quote]

thanks a ton. great answer and i really appreciate it !

Reply May 15, 2011

[quote=xultrashock]the world[/quote]

Natural pessimist, I see

A sociopath is another possibility.. someone who suffers from antisocial personality disorder~

Reply May 15, 2011

idk... me i guess

Reply May 15, 2011

Maybe a rotten egg?

It's pure and white on the outside, but nasty and smelly on the inside

Reply May 15, 2011


Reply May 15, 2011