

General Merch

Best way to make money with 20k maple points? Hey guys, I just recently started playing again. I got the free 20k maple points for coming back along with the 30% off NX coupon. I was wondering what was the best way to merch and make money off of it. I want to make enough money to get some good general equips that I could share across my account or some good equips for my new main NW. I don't have anything to start off with or any characters strong enough to go bossing. What do you guys recommend? Also, where can I get some throwing stars better than the default shop ones? Thanks!


Did i lose or make profit PC on PAC and stuff I bought a +4 PAC +4 Att, 0 Slots, U/H, 1 Star (Enchanted Once) for 250mil. Then, I bought a Chaos Scroll for 30 mil and used a vicious hammer (1 i already had from a GM return thing) and I hammer it and it became +5 PAC +7 Att, 0 Slots, H/ Once, 1 Star (Enchanted Once), so I went up 3 Att to 7 Atk. In total i spent 280 mil for a 7 Att PAC, I think I did make profit but IDK by how much. Please tell me if i made profit or not and thanks! PS: Can i have a P/C on these items, thanks! Lucky Knight Pauldron Recipe Sharp Royal Pauldron Recipe Advance Enchant Equip Scroll Knuckle Att 30% Cape Int 60 Bottomwear Dex 30 Steelies Zombie Army Ring 2x 2% Luck Earring 2line/3line

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