General Tech

No Display On Monitor So me and my friend built a computer for the first time. Everything became successful till it said that nothing showed up on the monitor. We don't know why nothing is showing up. We tried a bunch of different HDMIs and VGAs to different monitors and TVs. So I'm guessing the problem isn't the HDMIs or VGAs. We probably hooked something up wrong or something. But idk why could possibly be the reason. It's our first time and we're not very knowledgeable about building computers. But we made it through somehow. Everything runs in the computer, all fans run and it sounds good. The only probablem is that nothing displays. We tried reseating the ram. So if anyone can help me, please feel free to do so.

General Chat

College Problems So I'm an 18 year old student that honestly hates himself right now. I plan to go to the SRJC and I know its a good school, but I feel like I'm disappointing so much of my family. I honestly feel like crying and breaking out because I feel like the biggest piece of crap right now. I feel like I'm letting my family down because I do decent in school but not like on top above average. I'm just a normal student that will fly by with Bs and Cs. I had a 1 on 1 talk with my brother and he talked about how I'm not so serious about this and he's right and I just hate myself for that. How I should've applied to more schools but the deadline has passed. But what made me really want to freaking want to cry was when my sister was face