

Nx Weapon Items over Hand-Cannons?

I'm wondering how cash weapon items look over hand-cannons. I recall it looking bad on characters with weapons on their back (like Zero).

Don't know where to put this but yeah.

February 28, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Thanks everyone!

Reply February 28, 2014

since most of Cannoneer's skills cover the original cannon, it really doesn't look like much when attacking

Reply February 28, 2014

I've equipped various Seraphim and Seraphim-type covers, and they function and look exactly like they would with any other weapon. Apart from that, I have the old Boombox, which is - AFAIK - the only cover designed specifically for cannons. In my opinion, it looks fantastic when you're not in an attack stance or actually using it.

Reply February 28, 2014