

7heBlood #Buccaneer Talk

General Buccaneer

Some Bucc Guidance Please So I'm trying to merch with what I have for the next 2-3 months, and then pool everything I have into my previously hacked 120 Bucc (I think she has low dex) All I have right now that is usable: Zhelm MoN Legendary Ring (the one from making a cannoneer) Crit Ring (forgot where I got this) Thankfully, I got some start up money from some fellow basilers (ty again) and on top of that, I found an old friend that traded accounts with me in Chaos. So I have about 200m in assets from him excluding Evo rings 14-17 (first one) and 4 50% 2H ATK Scrolls. I'm planning to see if I can gather my rings first (Evo 3 Lv 10, and exchange Evo 1 Lv 17 for Evo 2 Lv 17 + money to fund other areas) I'm wondering what kind of armor I shou

General Buccaneer

Little help for a returning bucc? P Hopefully I'll have better luck in this part of the forum :o It seems I can never quit completely, it's been about 6-7 years and I've been on and off MS countless number of times. But anyway, the last time I took a break was right when mercedes were releasd, and that was when my bucc got hacked. Good thing I had a few items snuck up on another account, so I did manage to bounce back a bit before I 'quit'. I looked at a few videos and it looks like buccs got changed quite a bit.. I'm thinking of coming back to check a few things out, but it's going to be hard considering I don't even have a weapon lol. But I do have a few things I want to price check first: 50% 2H ATK 50% 2H M.ATK Evo I Ring 14-16 Evo II R

General Buccaneer

About barrage damage & training methods as a bucc So I just hit 120 and got my job advancement and put my first 3 SP into SI, DS and Barrage. When I tested barrage out, I found the damage to be really unstable; sometimes I hit like ~3k/3k/3k/4k/5k/15k and other times ~10k/10k/9k/XXk/XXk/60k I was just wondering if it's because barrage at low levels is unstable and it gets more stable as it gets closer to being maxed. (on a side note, buccs are awesome lol) Also one last thing, how should I train with these new skills? So far I'm just using CSB -> DS -> Barrage -> repeat. Should I just do that^ until my bar is fully charge then go back to using blast? Thanks for any positive input :)