

Akatsukii #Updates Talk

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What do you do when you get dc lock? Hi basil, I'm getting dc locked at the moment and I know who it is and I rather not say because he might do more to me which I don't want. Lionheart, 2x exp and new cash shop items are coming out and I don't know what to do. Name change isn't an option for me because 1. I've been banned like a week ago and I have to wait 3 months (minus 1 week) 2. I get the black screen as soon as I log on 3. 10,000 nx for name change is too expensive I don't want to stop maple or start all over, Lionheart is just around the corner and 2x and I really don't want to miss out. I honestly don't want comments saying to quit, but if it must happen then so be it. What do you recommend I do? I've tried apologizing to the person