

CTBlack #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Paladin changes in warrior KMS re-org Here are my interpretation for paladin skill changes (hope it will be in GMS soon): 1. Waaaay bigger hammer animation for HH. 2. New animation for all the charges 3. CB will up its damage significantly , but (I think) its limited to hit a mob of 4 and with new animation 4. HP recovery cool down reduced and % HP recover decreased (30 sec -> 15 secs, 80% HP to 40% HP) 5. Achilles protection % increased. (15% -> 20%) 6. DS will be able to protect more than weapon attack (protect from seal or skill lock). 7. ACB damage will increase. (520% -> 700%) 8. CO will now even increase those skills that does not have any SP points. Common warrior skills changes: 1. Power guard will reflect more damages. 2.

General Paladin

We will be a lot weaker relatively after the Unicorn patch Right now we out damage heros on element weak mobs (I think even ice weak mobs) on 1 vs 1, but after Advance of the Union patch heros will almost do 2x our damage on even holy weak mobs (this according to various calculation done by a couple of people), so whats the point of being a specialist warrior (other than having the most defense but none of the defense skills are partyable). Wonder did those calculation missed something of Nexon intentionally nerfed paladins and boosts heros. * Hi Hi Ky Ky :) *

General Paladin

DS or guardian blocks more than damage in future patches I was fighting BGA with a friend (Hero), we were constantly getting stunned and doesn't matter if we stand on him or not, the stun kept coming and seems to bypass the invulnerable frame after any damages taken. So I don't know if the iframe glitch really did get completely fixed or it's now has changed to prevent damage only and not status effects. Also I have guardian maxed and I can see guardian animation going off and then I get stun, I thought I remember I read from some where guardian has a chance of blocking stun, but I haven't seen that happen, as I got stun more than my hero friend. Anyone knows which patch (warrior/mage/archer reorg, or the last of the chaos patch), guardian

General Paladin

I think Knight C is better than LHC for paladins With the same extra 50% each party member, more exp than bearwolf and way more mobs than LHC naturally (not counting the illegit LHC spawn glitch). Paladins whom have their defense skills maxed will do way better than training at LHC, as the mobs can easily up to 7 or more to allow us to use max ACB potential. The problem would be finding a bishop to HS, as there doesn't look like any safe platforms. In fact any class that can mob in large numbers should do better than LHC if they can stand the pot usage.