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PSP game reccomendations So, I'm interested in fun PSP games, preferably RPGs, but any type will do. so far I have: Cladun: This is an RPG! Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness Patapon 1, 2 and 3 Holy invasion of privacy badman, what did I do to deserve this, Mr Lord? What did I do to deserve this, My Lord? 2 LocoRoco God of War: Chains of Olympus Anything else? Money isn't an issue So far I plan on getting: Disgaea 2: Day after Dark Cladun x2 Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together Jeanne d'Arc Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantasy Dissidia Valkyria Chronicles 2 Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker ZHP Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman LocoRoco 2 Half Minute Hero God Eater Burst BlazBlue Calamity Trigger/Continuum Shift II Super Robot Wars Z2 Monster Hunt

General Chat

Mind answering some questions, please? It's for my brothers Homework. What do you use the internet for? How many hours are you on the internet per week? Per day? How many televisions are in you're house? What type of television do you have? Do you have a cell phone? If you have a cell phone, how many hours do you use it per day? Do you have an account for social websites? (FaceBook, MySpace, Tumblr, etc.) What's you're favorite type of communication? (Computer, Cell Phone, etc)

General Chat

Which power would you take Given the option to have any 1 one these 6 powers which would you take -Save State: power with 5 "save slots" to use, when you die you get a "game over" like screen and can load any slot you want. The catch is that you are only given a 15 year period, you can only use the power in this given period and once you leave it you lose the power, also people will randomly remember things you did to them in this period -Mega Body: Super speed, strength, Wolverine like defense, etc. The con is that you gain villains who only exist to torment you and are immortal with teleporting powers, a common incident would be (every relation you get in ends miserably) or (your pet is killed and you are given a paper

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