Cronnicossy #Updates Talk

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Ur Screen Flash/Flicker? I can see this is a BIG issue among only a handful of People. Let me tell you what it is first: Randomly, while playing (Bossing ussually), you're screen will Blink, Flash, flicker, between 1-2 frames of what you were doing (You're screen will freeze.) The game, however is STILL Running. If you Alt+Enter or Alt+Tab it will appear fixed. IT IS NOT A PERM FIX the screen will act up again, in a shorter time Spam this Time. You'll hafta keep Minizing faster and faster, sooner and sooner until you Rage quit. I did some SLIGHT research and theorized that it could be a Screen resolution issue. (Or Win7/Maple Compadabilty issue) I run a Win7 Laptop with 1366x768 Resolution. Are you as well? I'm not sure of a Fix, there was

General Updates

Launching Windowed First Time Launch Whoa, been a while... Anyways, we all know launching Maplestory windowed is easy. System settings, your done. Right? And we also all know it's BETTER and FASTER to do so. My friend has an issue here, very crappy Laptop. He can't run Maple at all BECAUSE it starts Fullscreen. Is there any way to do so? External Program? Does anybody know where the Data of which it stores the System Settings Config is? Anybody know how to force it into Windowed for First Time Launchers? >Solutions Tried: - "-window" or "-w" - R Click > Properties (Anything from here) - Registry Editing (Reg. files not found at directly) Thank you very much.

General Updates

Maple Sprites Flickering, Game freezes. I got a New Laptop. Its pretty Sweet. Windows 7, Decent Specs. I'm set. BUT, after maybe about 10-30 Minutes of Playing, my Screen will SPAZ out. The Image (Sprites) of: My Charecter, any Monster, any Item, will start to flicker on and off. Completely frozen. Like Chaos Control. I can still hear me jumping, sound effects, so the game is STILL RUNNING. However, it seems visually unplayable... If I minize to Windowed Mode, it appears Fine. Going back to full screen (Preferred by me) leads to a 80% Chance of complete freeze up of my Comp, thus leading to me closing Maple. That is the best way I can explain my Pickle. Extra things to Note: I am running the GameLauncher under Windows XP Compadability, as A

General Updates

Big Bang Assasinate: Nerfed? I read on the Big, Big Bang Thread. >.> That assasinate is losing 40% Damage. Now, I dont care so much for that, but however I believe I read somewhere that the Charge up Time (while in Darksight, ofc) increased from 4sec, to 8sec. This left me a bit Confused. Does this mean, we have to charge 4 extra seconds to get our same old 'before BigBang Edit Charged Assasinate Dmg'? I make it sound Complex, I can see that. . . Let me lay it out here: (Nate is what I call Assasinate, for Short. Below is Excluding Final Hit) (Before BigBang): Uncharged Nate; 10k Dmg (x3). Charged 4Sec(OldMax); 35k(x3) (After BigBang): Uncharged Nate; 10k Dmg(x3). Charged 4sec; 25k(x3). Charged 8sec(NewMax);35k(x3) Is that the case? O